Saturday, December 26, 2009

How do I use more than one page numbering style in MS Word?

I need the first (title) page unumbered, (the first two pages need to be unnumbered really, but since the second is supposed to be blank I can just slip that in later). The preface, acknowledgements, and table of contents need to be numbered with lower case Roman Numerals, and then the body needs standard numbers. I have Word, 2003 but do have acces to 2007 at work.

This is an annoying thesis requirement. The quick and easy solution would be to create seperate documents, but I am curious to know if there is a way to do this in a single doc.

Ideas? Thanks!How do I use more than one page numbering style in MS Word?
Wow, I just graduated from college and never knew about this . . . but I did some research and it is possible to have different page numbers within the same document.

To first insert page numbers, go to ';Insert'; then select ';Page Numbers'; - I'm not sure where you want the page numbers to show up (left/middle/right bottom of the page) - you decide - then uncheck the box that says ';show number on the first page.'; Next click ';format'; and that will take you to your number options (roman numerals, standard numbers, etc.). Then towards the bottom of the box it says ';start at'; - select the page number where the numbering is supposed to start. If your title page is not included in the pagnation (e.g. you want the first page of text to be page 1), select the number to start at 0 (because then ';page 0'; will not show up on your title page and ';page 1'; will be on your first page of text. If, on the other hand, the title page is included in the pagination, select the number to start at 1 and then your first page of text will be numbered as 2. Sorry if this is wordy/confusing.

Click ';OK'; to get out of those boxes - then go to the place in your thesis where you need to change the numbering and go to the ';insert'; menu again - but this time select ';break'; - select ';page break'; as your type of break and ';next page'; for section break types. Then click ';OK'; - repeat the above procedure for inserting numbers, but this time when you go to ';format,'; select roman numerals rather than standard numbers. You can go back and forth between roman numerals and standard numbers - you just need to set page breaks for every change.

Hope this helps - if it was at all confusing, just use the help function in Word (search for ';page breaks'; or ';numbering pages'; and there are helpful articles).

Good luck with the thesis.

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